--media-primary-color | rgb(238 238 238) | Default color of text / icon. |
--media-secondary-color | var(--_menu-bg) | Default color of background. |
--media-text-color | var(--media-primary-color, rgb(238 238 238)) | color of text. |
--media-control-background | var(--media-secondary-color, var(--_menu-bg)) | background of control. |
--media-menu-display | inline-flex | display of menu. |
--media-menu-layout | | Set to row for a horizontal menu design. |
--media-menu-flex-direction | row | flex-direction of menu. |
--media-menu-gap | .25em | gap between menu items. |
--media-menu-background | var(--media-control-background, var(--media-secondary-color, var(--_menu-bg))) | background of menu. |
--media-menu-border-radius | | border-radius of menu. |
--media-menu-border | none | border of menu. |
--media-menu-transition-in | visibility 0s, opacity .2s ease-out, transform .15s ease-out, left .2s ease-in-out, min-width .2s ease-in-out, min-height .2s ease-in-out | transition of menu when showing. |
--media-menu-transition-out | visibility .15s ease-in, opacity .15s ease-in, transform .15s ease-in | transition of menu when hiding. |
--media-menu-visibility | visible | visibility of menu when showing. |
--media-menu-hidden-visibility | hidden | visibility of menu when hiding. |
--media-menu-max-height | var(--_menu-max-height, 300px) | max-height of menu. |
--media-menu-hidden-max-height | var(--media-menu-max-height, var(--_menu-max-height, 300px)) | max-height of menu when hiding. |
--media-menu-opacity | 1 | opacity of menu when showing. |
--media-menu-hidden-opacity | 0 | opacity of menu when hiding. |
--media-menu-transform-in | translateY(0) scale(1) | transform of menu when showing. |
--media-menu-transform-out | translateY(2px) scale(.99) | transform of menu when hiding. |
--media-font | var(--media-font-weight, normal) var(--media-font-size, 14px) / var(--media-text-content-height, var(--media-control-height, 24px)) var(--media-font-family, helvetica neue, segoe ui, roboto, arial, sans-serif) | font shorthand property. |
--media-font-weight | normal | font-weight property. |
--media-font-family | helvetica neue, segoe ui, roboto, arial, sans-serif | font-family property. |
--media-font-size | 14px | font-size property. |
--media-text-content-height | var(--media-control-height, 24px) | line-height of text. |
--media-icon-color | var(--media-primary-color, rgb(238 238 238)) | fill color of icon. |
--media-menu-icon-height | var(--media-control-height, 24px) | height of icon. |
--media-menu-item-checked-indicator-display | none | display of check indicator. |
--media-menu-item-checked-background | rgb(255 255 255 / .2) | background of checked menu item. |
--media-menu-item-max-width | | max-width of menu item text. |