A menu for subtitles and captions.
Remember to add the seperate menu module for the menu components.
import "media-chrome";
import "media-chrome/menu";
Default usage
Section titled Default usageExplicit linking
Section titled Explicit linkingAlternate button content
Section titled Alternate button contentFor alternative content for the button, there are the on
and off
Section titled ReferenceSlots
Section titled SlotsName | Description |
| Default slotted elements. |
header | An element shown at the top of the menu. |
checked-indicator | An icon element indicating a checked menu-item. |
captions-indicator | An icon element indicating an item with closed captions. |
Section titled AttributesName | Type | Description |
disabled | boolean | The Boolean disabled attribute makes the element not mutable or focusable. |
mediacontroller | string | The element `id` of the media controller to connect to (if not nested within). |
Media UI Attributes
Section titled Media UI Attributes
The media UI attributes will be set automatically by the controller if they are
connected via nesting or the mediacontroller
Only set these attributes manually if you know what you're doing.
Name | Type | Description |
mediasubtitleslist | string | A list of all subtitles and captions. |
mediasubtitlesshowing | boolean | A list of the showing subtitles and captions. |
CSS Variables
Section titled CSS VariablesName | Default | Description |
--media-primary-color | rgb(238 238 238) | Default color of text / icon. |
--media-secondary-color | var(--_menu-bg) | Default color of background. |
--media-text-color | var(--media-primary-color, rgb(238 238 238)) | color of text. |
--media-control-background | var(--media-secondary-color, var(--_menu-bg)) | background of control. |
--media-menu-display | inline-flex | display of menu. |
--media-menu-layout | Set to row for a horizontal menu design. | |
--media-menu-flex-direction | row | flex-direction of menu. |
--media-menu-gap | .25em | gap between menu items. |
--media-menu-background | var(--media-control-background, var(--media-secondary-color, var(--_menu-bg))) | background of menu. |
--media-menu-border-radius | border-radius of menu. | |
--media-menu-border | none | border of menu. |
--media-menu-transition-in | visibility 0s, opacity .2s ease-out, transform .15s ease-out, left .2s ease-in-out, min-width .2s ease-in-out, min-height .2s ease-in-out | transition of menu when showing. |
--media-menu-transition-out | visibility .15s ease-in, opacity .15s ease-in, transform .15s ease-in | transition of menu when hiding. |
--media-menu-visibility | visible | visibility of menu when showing. |
--media-menu-hidden-visibility | hidden | visibility of menu when hiding. |
--media-menu-max-height | var(--_menu-max-height, 300px) | max-height of menu. |
--media-menu-hidden-max-height | var(--media-menu-max-height, var(--_menu-max-height, 300px)) | max-height of menu when hiding. |
--media-menu-opacity | 1 | opacity of menu when showing. |
--media-menu-hidden-opacity | 0 | opacity of menu when hiding. |
--media-menu-transform-in | translateY(0) scale(1) | transform of menu when showing. |
--media-menu-transform-out | translateY(2px) scale(.99) | transform of menu when hiding. |
--media-font | var(--media-font-weight, normal) var(--media-font-size, 14px) / var(--media-text-content-height, var(--media-control-height, 24px)) var(--media-font-family, helvetica neue, segoe ui, roboto, arial, sans-serif) | font shorthand property. |
--media-font-weight | normal | font-weight property. |
--media-font-family | helvetica neue, segoe ui, roboto, arial, sans-serif | font-family property. |
--media-font-size | 14px | font-size property. |
--media-text-content-height | var(--media-control-height, 24px) | line-height of text. |
--media-icon-color | var(--media-primary-color, rgb(238 238 238)) | fill color of icon. |
--media-menu-icon-height | var(--media-control-height, 24px) | height of icon. |
--media-menu-item-checked-indicator-display | none | display of check indicator. |
--media-menu-item-checked-background | rgb(255 255 255 / .2) | background of checked menu item. |
--media-menu-item-max-width | max-width of menu item text. |